get into


get into 的定义

v. 动词 verb

  1. to enter
  2. to reachthe train got into London at noon
  3. to get dressed in
  4. to preoccupy or obsesswhat's got into him tonight?
  5. to assume or cause to assumeto get into debt; get a person into a mess
  6. to be elected to or cause to be elected toto get into Parliament
  7. informal to become or cause to become familiar withonce you get into driving you'll enjoy it
  8. informal to develop or cause to develop an absorbing interest in

get into 近义词

get into

等同于 proselytize

get into

等同于 invest

get into

等同于 absorb

get into

等同于 associate

get into

等同于 wear

get into

等同于 preoccupy

get into

等同于 connect

get into

等同于 embrace

get into

等同于 enter

get into

等同于 espouse

更多get into例句

  1. In this cockamamie get-rich scheme, would they all issue an apology if he cut a check?
  2. The kids are out of school, Mom is out of get-up-and-go, Dad is out of work.
  3. But while Yariv and Nakarin have had plenty of their friends over for dinner, this is no regular get-together.
  4. So it's really a take-what-you-can-get kind of situation with him.
  5. And so I knew from the get-go that they would have to add action, which they have.
  6. The man called Shiv was driving Delancy's get-away car at a conservative pace so as not to excite suspicion.
  7. Ten minutes later, Delancy drove the get-away car out of the service station.
  8. It was in this room that Delancy's get-away car had changed paint jobs, and in about ten minutes.
  9. But the exquisite was used to it; he would only have felt badly if they had ignored his new get-up.
  10. There was some sort of a phonograph device under the cowl of that get-away car, and this was hooked up to the radio switch.